a little bit christmas again

Publicerad 2013-01-08 12:25:58 i Allmänt

today i've got three more christmas presents, it is just so nice that all of you are thinking of me, i really miss you all!
now today is the third day which i spend sick in my bed, otherwise the shcool would have started again today, but i had actually luck i was sick, because all lesson expet the first (8.20) and the last (15.00) cancelled..  so i had really a better day at home than to wait six hours in school..
it has snowed a little bit, so it looks white again, but it is nearly nothing.. i really want to have snow again and use my cross country skis x)

I've thaught I add some more photos from jordan, but if you want to see all just say it, so i'll send you the link of my dropbox album.


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