
Publicerad 2013-02-13 22:44:14 i Allmänt

I don't really want to write in englisch right now, I could write so much faster in german ;) But i want that everyones is understanding it so i do it..
Yeah already one motnhs more i've spent in sweden and it is so a strange feeling but just 4 months are left..
It went fast, but I guess this is good, so i didn't had a that booring or bad time ;D haha ( i really had a good time and it is getting better and better.. :) )

Last weekend my hair turned red again. I've coloured it with henna, from jordan. It costed maybe 1/10 from the prices i used to pay in switzerland ;D

Yesterday was "semmeldagen" it is just a day you eat special "semmler" ;) it is kind of sweetbread with cream and marzipan.. except the marzipan inside it is really good and i liked it :D

Otherwise We will have holidays from friday one week. So we're going to Sälen for snowboarding/skiing/cross-country skiing :D I'm really looking forward to this. I will be ther with my hostparents and HIlda my hostsister :D We will be there from friday eveing ( because we have 6-7 hours to drive :O ) until wedneesday :)

at least I've found a picture of my siter, my brother and me when we was some years younger ;) I really LOVE this picture!!

have  a good time and take care of you if you planned to do a kind of wintersport ;)


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