about love from all over the world :)

Publicerad 2013-04-22 19:12:26 i Allmänt

now it's already gone this weekend i was looking forward to such a long time.. But it was really so great! We have been exhcange students who are living somewhere in sweden (and norway) right now, but come from many different countries over the whole world. We just had fun and it felt so good to speak about everything, about our exchange year, and to hug each other so many times (we had to make good all the hugs we didn't get here..haha), it feels like I know this people already a long time, but i've jsut met them and spent some days with them.. it is so sad, but i guess i will no more meet them, because i've not much time left and we live all so long from each other ( why is sweden so big?? :( haha). In every case, thank you to everyone, you made my weekend just perfect! I really hope i'll meet you again in my life! i already miss you again. much love! <3


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