
Publicerad 2013-03-14 17:29:26 i Allmänt

I am sorry now it is really a long time ago i've written something, but here I am ;) Last week summer feelings came up but the snow this week destroied them fast..haha But actually when I went home today it was also warm and the sun was shining :)  Hmm last week we got 15 kg fish and my host dad prepeared them for cooking ( i just watched and it was not that nice haha). But they were good to eat ;) Otherwise I am writing a presentation about switzerland, for my classmates, my swedisch class and for another school here. And I can't belive it but I've got an A (best) in an mathematics exam! I guess this happened just once more since the 7th grade ;) haha And here you also can have barbercue on cross country skis, we were with the class outdoors with the cross country skis and had barbercue! I like it! :D
Today later on we will have a meeting for the skitravelling with the teenagergroup next week :) Tomorrow my hostfamily and me go to stockholm and go at the musical "rock of age". Then we will stay in Stockholm until Sunday. :D
There are less than 100 days left until I'll go home again, it sounds so unbelivable it sounds like nothing, it goes really fast. And of course this has both a good and a sad side... see ya xoxo

having barbercue outside in wintertime with school ;)

having barbercuce outside in wintertime with the school ;)

in every case we had sun and it was warm :D here jennifer, Johanna and Ellinor
My classmates from the the swedish class :D Michael and Jawad .

 and Nasrin and me :D


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