Jan. 26, 2013

Publicerad 2013-01-26 15:57:16 i

And i have seen my first wild moose today on pur lake :))


Publicerad 2013-01-26 15:46:53 i

Today i was on my cross country skis with my host father, the temparatur and track perfect we have just missed the sun.. Now we are watching figure skating and it goes well for the swedish athlet :) later hani, hilda, arwid and me will go eat out and then watching "flight" at the cinema:)

Jan. 25, 2013

Publicerad 2013-01-25 18:07:55 i

I had above all a really okay week at school, i have trained every day and with the best, cross country skiing, today. Because i hadn't lessons between 9.45 and 13.00 i had time to skiing on this cold but beautiful winter morning:)
The time is running away here you don't think and another week is gone.. But now i will enjoy my weekend amd look what it will bring to me:)
I miss you all in switzerland.. See you soon :) have a great evening :)

i am in sweden .. ;)

Publicerad 2013-01-20 20:58:36 i Allmänt

Hi together!
One week more is gone here in Västervik.. In school it was all normal and tomorrow the spring term begins. The most will not change but we will start with religion lessons and I look really forward to them :)
On the weekend I was fishing again with, but we did not get any fish.. :(  tjhen I was cross country skiing on our lake with hani, he did it the second time, but he managed it really good :)
Then at saturday evening maria, elena and vivi were at our home and we celebrated marias birthday, we had a really great evening!
It became a bit late so today I was a little bit tired, in the afternoon my hostfamily and me went to the cinema and watched "life of pi". I do not know if I liked the film, it was a bit dstrange and from all too much, however i would not say the film is not good, just special.
I wish you all a good eveining and a great start tomoroow in school or at work..!

it is half the time..

Publicerad 2013-01-14 17:07:43 i Allmänt

monday again.. why is the weekend always going so fast? However I had a nice weekend, we've got a fisch who is ca 2 kg and I could cross country skiing on the lake, just for me alone in the silence of the nature just wonderful :) unfourtantely I got again some pain in my knee it is not fun it's already one year ago since I operated my knee but I have to see it needs some time more until it is really okay..
Yesterday was the birthday of my host sisters cousin so we were there and celebrated him :)
Soon I have to prepare the food for today it will be potaos, salmon and sallad I guess :)

I am already five months here and I have just five left and I already got my flightticket for my flight home again on the 16th of juni. I do not relly know what I should feel about it, the time went so fast, it seems not like zhe half time and I do not want that my year is over so soon.. but otherwise i am of course also happy to see my family and friends and to come home again in five months.
 so have a nice evening i see you soon ;)

& this was today on my way back from school <3

i guess, life is good ;)

Publicerad 2013-01-10 23:57:05 i Allmänt

It's cold again in sweden, but like this should it be in january I guess ;) Another very "lovely" (haha) schoolday is done, after school i went to the gym and trained. Today was Noras last evening at home, before she will go backpacking in central america for some months, i hope she will have a great time and that she takes care.
tomorrow i thaught to go to the cinema in the eening with a maria and watch "the hobbit" I hope I will not fall asleep, the film takes nearly three hours.. ;P

for the end of this day i wanted to share my song of the week "we never change" - coldplay,
"I want to live life, and never be cruel
And I want to live life, and be good to you,
And I want to fly, and never come down,
And live my life, and have friends around"

a little bit christmas again

Publicerad 2013-01-08 12:25:58 i Allmänt

today i've got three more christmas presents, it is just so nice that all of you are thinking of me, i really miss you all!
now today is the third day which i spend sick in my bed, otherwise the shcool would have started again today, but i had actually luck i was sick, because all lesson expet the first (8.20) and the last (15.00) cancelled..  so i had really a better day at home than to wait six hours in school..
it has snowed a little bit, so it looks white again, but it is nearly nothing.. i really want to have snow again and use my cross country skis x)

I've thaught I add some more photos from jordan, but if you want to see all just say it, so i'll send you the link of my dropbox album.

cross country skiing is hard, but it's their passion

Publicerad 2013-01-06 16:41:13 i Allmänt

Just a great day for all those who love winter sport :D final contest in the tour de ski, unfourtanetly dario cologna couldn't make a start - target victory, but nevertheless a great second place and legkov is a deserved winner of the tour de ski. on the womans side won Justyna Kolwaczyk with a great race before the norwegians johaug and steira. the biathlon worldcu race in oberhof won also russia and my favourites emil hege svendson and ebnjamin weger attended the 4th and 5th place :)
I just love cross country skiing, and it is so sad the snow is gone here..

back in sweden!

Publicerad 2013-01-06 00:12:00 i Allmänt

hi guys, since yesterday i am back from jordan. i was there 10 days, some days in amman and some days in aqaba. In aqaba we could swim in the sea and sunbathe in the bikini, we've done snorkling and diving (i just a really short diving trip, i didn't really liked it ) . we was also in petra a stone city and one of the seven wonders of world, it was really incredible, just soo big. otherwise i've seen a lot of jordan, and jordans culture which is really different compared with the swedish or the swiss, then i've eaten a lot of good new food, i really like jordanian food. all the things i've seen, i've done, i will take the experiences with me and i really had a great time there and done so much things, i could write so much more about this ten days, but for the moment i let it be, maybe i'll write another day more about jordans culture for example..

here in sweden is just a little bit of snow left, but instead of have much snow, can we do iceskating on the lake, and this was so nice to day, with sunshine and 0°C and it feels like cross country skiing just nice :) for tomorrow i hope dario cologna will win the tour de ski, but we will see on the last contest. :)

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