Saturday :)

Publicerad 2013-02-23 15:04:11 i

My day started with a early (for it is saturday ;) ) breakfast, then i did 20 km on my cross country skis. After this good start in this day i'm watching cross country ski in the tv now;) haha hope for a victory for switzerland or also okay for sweden ;) actually i shoul write a text for history about 19th century >< i do not want haha :) later in the evening some friends will come so it will be a great end of this satirday :)

Skidsemester :)

Publicerad 2013-02-22 10:00:32 i

Yesterday night we came back from our ski holidays in sälen and one day we were in trysil (norway). The first three days we had not that good weather and we didn't seen so much, but the last two days we had perfect weather! *_* Also had we the cross country track in front of our little sweet house :) i've learnd that the swedish people take they're food with them and might have a barbercue, i guess this is actually a really good idea because it is expensive to eat in a restaurant every day. However i had a great week on my snowboard and with my great host family!
Now i enjoy the last days of my holidays and don't want have to go to school already in three days..:o have a good day! /anne-sophie

Feb. 14, 2013

Publicerad 2013-02-14 22:19:38 i

Happy valentines day to all i had also a good day with a boring school day bit then a nice valentines day "fika" with vivi and after this a hard, good and funny training with johanna :D now i am ready for going to sälen tomorrow!! Just so happy :)


Publicerad 2013-02-13 22:44:14 i Allmänt

I don't really want to write in englisch right now, I could write so much faster in german ;) But i want that everyones is understanding it so i do it..
Yeah already one motnhs more i've spent in sweden and it is so a strange feeling but just 4 months are left..
It went fast, but I guess this is good, so i didn't had a that booring or bad time ;D haha ( i really had a good time and it is getting better and better.. :) )

Last weekend my hair turned red again. I've coloured it with henna, from jordan. It costed maybe 1/10 from the prices i used to pay in switzerland ;D

Yesterday was "semmeldagen" it is just a day you eat special "semmler" ;) it is kind of sweetbread with cream and marzipan.. except the marzipan inside it is really good and i liked it :D

Otherwise We will have holidays from friday one week. So we're going to Sälen for snowboarding/skiing/cross-country skiing :D I'm really looking forward to this. I will be ther with my hostparents and HIlda my hostsister :D We will be there from friday eveing ( because we have 6-7 hours to drive :O ) until wedneesday :)

at least I've found a picture of my siter, my brother and me when we was some years younger ;) I really LOVE this picture!!

have  a good time and take care of you if you planned to do a kind of wintersport ;)

Carolina Klüft

Publicerad 2013-02-07 23:54:24 i Allmänt

I've just seen a reportage or a film about one of the greatest track and field athlet ever! For those who don't know who she is.. She is like I've said the greatest heptathlon athlets ever and she is from Sweden, she wan nearly all you can win.. Since i was a really little girl I am a big fan of her, she was ever my idol and she will it be forever. She was the reason why I started intresting me in Sweden and why I became a taht big fan of this country. I am just impressed of what she has done, how much things she had to sacrifice for beeing that succsessful. for me she will ever be a hero! Just respect Carolina Klüft!

världens bästa syster fyller år och jag är inte hemma..

Publicerad 2013-02-07 23:43:31 i Allmänt

I'm sorry my dear little sister that I was abroad on your birthday yesterday.. But I promise you to be there and celebrate with you the next year! I hope you had an amazing day and enjoied it! I wish you all the best! It is just incredible that you've already turned 13.. you are becoming a young woman. Looking forward to see you in some months honey! I love you <3

my dream is to fly, over the rainbow, so hiiigh.. :)

Publicerad 2013-02-07 23:36:30 i Allmänt

It is actually nearly a long time ago i've written the last time, it is not i hadn't had time it was jsut i didn't know what to write but now i really have to.
Okay i start at last weekend, my hostparents and me have taken a flight over Västervik with my hostdad as a pilot! it was perfect weather and just awesome!
on the picture here down, you can see our house, yeah i live in the forest and no it doesen't have so much other ouses there ;) but it is so beautiful!

It is friday night

Publicerad 2013-02-01 22:50:38 i

Finally the lovely weekend is here! On thursday we made a strenght and speedness test at the athletics training. Surprisly it went quiet good for me, i didn't think i am that trained again :) i made also jump tests and my knee nearly didn't hurt after :)
Today on friday I was in school first mathematics, then i've written on a essay about how from where we should win our energi for protecting our world.. I love it, i could write so much stuff about we all have to protect our environment and hiw we actually have to begin to save the world..
Then we had a french lesson, we got a book which we have to read.. 40 pages and really big letters and many pictures ;) and four lessons we will get for reading.. Niiice ;p
After that i was on my cross country skis on the really last snow ( okay it was just ice) from the track was not either that much left but in any case it worked! Then i went to the gym with my host mother and trained there a little bit more :) now in the evening i watched "gladiatorerna" it is so funny. But i do not really know how to explain. Okay there are always four persons two women and two man. The man have a contest together and the woman. Then they have different things to do and have to fight against gladiators. Then after all discipliens you look who is the winner :)
This week i found once again time to make my nails a bit more creative than the other days:) i like!
And now i am glad i can sleep i am actually really really tired and then i am looking forward for the next two days!:D" class="image">" class="image">

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