cross country skiing is hard, but it's their passion

Publicerad 2013-01-06 16:41:13 i Allmänt

Just a great day for all those who love winter sport :D final contest in the tour de ski, unfourtanetly dario cologna couldn't make a start - target victory, but nevertheless a great second place and legkov is a deserved winner of the tour de ski. on the womans side won Justyna Kolwaczyk with a great race before the norwegians johaug and steira. the biathlon worldcu race in oberhof won also russia and my favourites emil hege svendson and ebnjamin weger attended the 4th and 5th place :)
I just love cross country skiing, and it is so sad the snow is gone here..

back in sweden!

Publicerad 2013-01-06 00:12:00 i Allmänt

hi guys, since yesterday i am back from jordan. i was there 10 days, some days in amman and some days in aqaba. In aqaba we could swim in the sea and sunbathe in the bikini, we've done snorkling and diving (i just a really short diving trip, i didn't really liked it ) . we was also in petra a stone city and one of the seven wonders of world, it was really incredible, just soo big. otherwise i've seen a lot of jordan, and jordans culture which is really different compared with the swedish or the swiss, then i've eaten a lot of good new food, i really like jordanian food. all the things i've seen, i've done, i will take the experiences with me and i really had a great time there and done so much things, i could write so much more about this ten days, but for the moment i let it be, maybe i'll write another day more about jordans culture for example..

here in sweden is just a little bit of snow left, but instead of have much snow, can we do iceskating on the lake, and this was so nice to day, with sunshine and 0°C and it feels like cross country skiing just nice :) for tomorrow i hope dario cologna will win the tour de ski, but we will see on the last contest. :)

If you don't have time, stop watching TV ;)

Publicerad 2012-12-17 16:06:31 i Allmänt

it's raining.. i do not like it, i wanna have snow, much of snow.. but we have some left but actually it is not nice a mix of snow and rain.. last friday it was funny, when we drove to school in the morning it was -23°C and in the evening on the way back home it was +3°C..
Otherwise i was with my friend vivi on friday and we've made some chinese food ;)
On saturday was "deltafesten" so we went there. It was very funny  :D It is a party which some from the delta order in the gymnasium organised.

here me and my hostsister Hilda :D <3

On sunday I was with Maria, Vivi and Elena and we've celebrated Elenas birthday, :)
On the phto they're not looking very happy but actually we had a lot of fun ;D

santa lucia!

Publicerad 2012-12-13 21:18:36 i Allmänt

Today, the 13.12, was santa Lucia day. In the shcool we had also a lucia celebration, where all have long white clothes, and lights int heir hands, and lucia on her head, and all sing songs.
it can look like this:

Otherwise I had a good, normal day, and after school i went cross country skiing, it was so nice with the sunset :)
Nearly everyday you can see a really nice sunset, at maybe three o'clock in the afternoon ;)
this was for example yesterday when I was on the way back home from Stockholm:

Now it is just one week left, and then we have finally christmas holidays, so nice! but the time went really quickly. I am already four months here and just six are left..

Have a nice evening!

lussekvinna, grittibänze och stockholm

Publicerad 2012-12-12 21:45:56 i Allmänt

Hi together, Because I am in sweden and i've got new friends from over the whole world, i thaught it would might be better if i would write in englisch, so hopefully everyone can understand it! Of course my englisch will not be perfect but i'll give my best ;)

my older host sister Nora was at home last weekend :D so we've made a "lussekvinna" and some "grittibänze", mix of swedens and switzerland tradition :)

Yesterday i've taken the train to stockholm, there i've met some other exchange student, we went shopping, and i fixed the last christmas gifts, and we had "fika" for three times at one afternoon.. ;) in the evening we had a meeting with our exchange organisation STS. It was really nice to meet them again! :D Then i stayed over night in Uppsala and today I came home again in the evening, actually two days free at school was also really nice ;D

Here Robin (switzerland), Andrea (italy) and me :)

winterland *_*

Publicerad 2012-12-07 17:58:36 i Allmänt

z'erste mau sid eine haub jahr wider uf de langloufschii xi, bi perfektem wätter, chaud u sunne, eifach wunderbar!! *_*

Pepperkakorhus, snö och Köpenhamn :D

Publicerad 2012-12-05 20:12:45 i Allmänt

So idse si shco wider es paar täg woni viu hag gmacht vrgange sit däm dasi zledschde mau ha gschribe. Idse wirds schön hie, ändläch ändläch hei mir schneee!! adventsstimmig i vouem gang :)
hie gids keni läbchuechehüser drfür pepperkakorhus, es güetzihus :D so eis heimer gloub ledschd fritig gmacht, made by Hilda, Arwid, Anne-Sophie ;D

när vo samschti- mäntig hei hilda u ihg dank er sabine u em marian uf kopehage chönne :D Mau sächs stung zug fahre, drfür ner es schöns hotel u schöni drü täg vor üs gha :) sprachlech isches rächt internationell xi mit englisch, schwizerdütsch, franz u schwedisch :D süsch hei mir haut eifach chli d'stadt (u vorauem d'lädä) ahgluegt u g'lädelät :) am erste abe si mir oh no im tivoli xi, das isch sone freizitpark eigentlech u am abe xeds us wienes wunderland, aues belüchtet u mitem schnee :)

und zu guter ledscht heds idse oh hie schnee!! u am mäntig spetistens geids u fmini gliebte u so sehr vrmisste langlouschii!! wahrschinlech ohni spur but it doesen't matter!

woisch dr schnee hie?

Publicerad 2012-11-30 18:02:54 i Allmänt

I bi in schwede u aui dänkä dass ihg weis nid wi viu schnee ha.. aber nei fasch nix! idse hüd isches vilech ganz weni wiss worde (nime aber ah daser scho ume weg isch..) i wodd o schnee, i möchd endlech wider mau uf mini langloufschii, ma nümme warte.. so wie uf dem biud möchtis lieber ;)

Derfür hei mir ändläch fritig! ei schueu wuche meh hinger mir u d'wiehnachtsferie shco wider chli nöcher :)
morn gani mit mire gaschtwoscht Hilda uf Kopenhagen bis am mäntig, auso o wider ei tag weniger id schueu! :) das mir uf kopehage gö chund drvo dass mini tante u ihre mah dört es paar täg ide ferie si und si üs hei ihglade, fröie mi mega si z'träffä :D 
häbet eh schöne und erhousame abe u wucheend, gniests wie mini chatz auibe ;)
liebi grüess us schwede ;D


Publicerad 2012-11-27 22:50:47 i Allmänt

Zersch mau aues guete zum geburtstag am auer beschte papa uf dr wäut! i vrmisse di!

u ner bini todmüed, ir schueu xi, ner bir maria dehei xi und avocadosuppe gmacht (isch vou fein u eifach) ;) ner ga treniere u es isch so sträng xi wi no nie.. haha ;P
ehm ja geschder u hüt dr ganz tag am rägne u am morge wemer id shcueu gö isches no dunku am nami wemer us dr schueu gö isches dunku.. >< u dr schnee isch o no nid hie, aber hoffe chund glii söu mau chli cheuter werde :)
zur abwechslig heimer sogar mau öppis ir schueu zdüe, aso scho nid grad so dasi öppis dehei müesst mache aber glich immerhin ;P
i hoffe dir heids aui guet, bis gli. anne-sophie

und das ishc öppe ds wome idse brüchti eh farbige regeschirm für chli farb ids regnerische, dunkle shcwede zbringe ;P

mysigt :)

Publicerad 2012-11-24 14:45:49 i Allmänt

internationle fium abe xi hie in västervik :) elena us dütschland u vivi us china :D mit letters to julia, dirty dancing und pretty woman :D u pizza :) u sogar no chli chinesisch glehrt, ds isch mi name und ihr name uf chinesisch :)
hüt wirdi äuä nümme viu meh mache, vilech no bache mit kolleginne vo mire gastschwöster u ner no mit mim grossmueti skype! :D i vrmisse nech!

behöver helg!

Publicerad 2012-11-22 16:52:23 i Allmänt

Zwöi normali schuetäg hinger mir u z'gliebete u ersehnte wucheend chund nöcher ;P idse luegi grd "the lucky one" u ner chund d'mormor (grossmueter) üs cho bsueche :)
ir schueu hei mir zur abwächslig sogar mau öppis zdüe ;) vortrag i naturkunde, i gseuschaft und i gschicht aber ja isch glich easy da mir immer soviu zit ir shcueu bechöme, dass nie öppis dehei muesch mache :)
ah übrigens ds hie isch mini schwedischi klass! :) <3 sorry isch nid sehr scharf ;P

tisdag, 20.11.12

Publicerad 2012-11-20 22:55:06 i Allmänt

Nachdem i gester ha chnöpfli gmacht u i mini problem ha gha drbi, aber schlussendlech si du doch no guet cho, bini hüt  ir schueu xi, ner zum coiffure, ids liechtathletiktrening, dehei arabisch gässä u idse nur no chli fernseh luege u eh gmüetleche abe mit tee u dechine vrbringe :)
idse isches hie scho am 4eri dunku, dass isch sehr komisch wius eim ner immer shco viu speter vor chund auses eigentlech isch.. aber ja :)und ds hie isch chichue vo västervik ir nacht (odr wes dunku isch^^) :)

Jag älskar Sverige!

Publicerad 2012-11-19 16:01:15 i Allmänt

So langsam aber sicher isch dr herbst fertig u dr Winter chund gli, ds wer öppe so mi herbst hie in schwede, vo sire shcöne site, xi. Het natürlech o weis nid wie viu gregnet, aber süsch isches mängishc ebe o schön xi ;)


Publicerad 2012-11-18 23:09:43 i Allmänt

hüt heimer fasch dr ganz tag mit julgodis (wiehnachtsgebäck) bache u mache vrbracht :) schlussendlech heds lussebulle (safrangebäck) , julkola (typ caramba , nid so chläbrig u cola gschmak) und no so mandle mit schoggi drum :) und zum abschluss heimer natürlich aus müesse afah esse und drzue "cockpit" gluegt, isch eh komödie :)

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