It is friday night
Finally the lovely weekend is here! On thursday we made a strenght and speedness test at the athletics training. Surprisly it went quiet good for me, i didn't think i am that trained again :) i made also jump tests and my knee nearly didn't hurt after :)
Today on friday I was in school first mathematics, then i've written on a essay about how from where we should win our energi for protecting our world.. I love it, i could write so much stuff about we all have to protect our environment and hiw we actually have to begin to save the world..
Then we had a french lesson, we got a book which we have to read.. 40 pages and really big letters and many pictures ;) and four lessons we will get for reading.. Niiice ;p
After that i was on my cross country skis on the really last snow ( okay it was just ice) from the track was not either that much left but in any case it worked! Then i went to the gym with my host mother and trained there a little bit more :) now in the evening i watched "gladiatorerna" it is so funny. But i do not really know how to explain. Okay there are always four persons two women and two man. The man have a contest together and the woman. Then they have different things to do and have to fight against gladiators. Then after all discipliens you look who is the winner :)
This week i found once again time to make my nails a bit more creative than the other days:) i like!
And now i am glad i can sleep i am actually really really tired and then i am looking forward for the next two days!:D" class="image">" class="image">