
Publicerad 2013-05-23 12:08:01 i Allmänt

it's already one week ago, but here some pictures from last thursday :)
fiska strömming / heringe fische :)


Publicerad 2013-05-16 16:53:00 i Allmänt

I've just had school until 13.45 so I could really enjoy this sunny day, I'm sitting outside, sunabthing int the bikini and watching the icehockey match switzerland - czech republic :D
Otherwise today, 16.5.2013, my lovely brother sebi and my lovely friend steffi can celebrate their birthdays today, would really like to spend my day with them... but yeah it is just one month left, and i'm actually really looking forward to it. Of course it is sad too, to leave sweden soon, now when i'be a good second life here, but I'll come back and i is just so great to know you can be always at to places on the world and you will be welcome. 

Todays evening we will go fishing herring :D so nice!!
have a nice afternoon!

the most beautiful home ever!


Publicerad 2013-04-25 21:28:52 i

Tomorrow is the "världsfest" ( world party) and i've helped organise it with pthers from different countries. We'll cook food from our countries and there will be music, dance shows etc, everything from different cultures! For this we've been in two newpapers here :) looking forward for tomorrow evening :)

about love from all over the world :)

Publicerad 2013-04-22 19:12:26 i Allmänt

now it's already gone this weekend i was looking forward to such a long time.. But it was really so great! We have been exhcange students who are living somewhere in sweden (and norway) right now, but come from many different countries over the whole world. We just had fun and it felt so good to speak about everything, about our exchange year, and to hug each other so many times (we had to make good all the hugs we didn't get here..haha), it feels like I know this people already a long time, but i've jsut met them and spent some days with them.. it is so sad, but i guess i will no more meet them, because i've not much time left and we live all so long from each other ( why is sweden so big?? :( haha). In every case, thank you to everyone, you made my weekend just perfect! I really hope i'll meet you again in my life! i already miss you again. much love! <3

on my way to stockholm :D

Publicerad 2013-04-19 18:11:10 i Allmänt

Finally the school days are over and it's weekend again, always a good feeling ;D I'm on my way to stockholm for meeting up with STS ( my exchange organisation) and many of the others exchange student :D so very nice i'm looking forward to meet them in two hours!! Actually a boy should have come on my bus at norrköping but i don't really know why they said he has to take another bus, so i'm still alone and it's kind of booring. In every case i've wi-fi :) haha 
I think this weekend will be so much fun, some of the students i've already met in gothenborg in novemebr (maybe) and they're all just so great, i've really missed them. It is so nice to speak with them about sweden, and our experiences because we really understand each other and it is so cool to meet people from all over the world :)
I think it's already the last time I'll meet them (have also just 8 weeks left) and that's sad, all of them are great and i hope i can meet / visit some of them after my exchange year too :D
some memories from the last meeting: :D


Publicerad 2013-04-14 13:52:41 i Allmänt

Now I am 17 years old, just one year left and i'm 18 :) haha. I had a really great birthday here in Sweden! Thank you to my absolutly best host familiy, who made my day so great! Thank you to everyone who thaughts of me and for all those presents I got! I became so happy to get so many post from Switzerland too (i'm now friends with the woman who works there, where I have to pick up my packages) hahah :D 
On saturday we had a ladies evening at my home with some friends. We had a great evening and it was very funny. And i got the best pie ever!! :D Thank you! 

tomorrow school again..

Publicerad 2013-04-07 19:04:09 i Allmänt

now i've spent some days in uppsala, first i trained my swiss german again with robin (haha actually it is kind of bad but i have really to think and mix up with swedish words ;P). Robin has two little host siblings, they were so cute and i enjoyed to play with them :) On friday i met my host family again. we have been at a "spexet" this is a funny theater, where my host sister played :D it was really nice and funny actually :) saturday and sunday morning we enjoyed the time with petra and frederik in uppsala and lived, 6 persons, in a student room ;P now i am at home again and tomorrow i have to go to school again.. i wish you all in switzerland happy holidays ;) have a good evening, see you soon ( just 10 weeks!!) /anne-sophie



Publicerad 2013-04-02 17:52:21 i

After a really really great night with great people, i am now on the way to uppsala (5 hours bus..) :D

Glad påsk! Frohi ostere!

Publicerad 2013-03-29 17:09:39 i

Hejhej, i hope you had also nice weather and warm like we had the last week :) but they say the winter will come back once again soon..:( now i have easter holidays for 10 days and yesterday i finished school with a 30 minutes presentation about switzerland :) it went really good actually :) last weekend i was, as i told, in sälen, we had a really good time and sun everyday and not either that cold :) we libed ten persons in one flat and cooked together, in the evenings we played together and went to the cinema we watched "hansel and gretel" in 3D :) otherwise i'll go at a party on monday and then on tuesday to uppsala for meeting up my swiss friend who's also an exchange student :) then on friday will my host family come too to uppsala and we will stay until sunday with petra ( my oldest host sister) :) i've already found my easter-egg :)) happy easter / glad påsk / frohi ostere :))

snowstorm, cold and snowboarding

Publicerad 2013-03-19 20:50:48 i Allmänt

No it wasn't anything with a start for a warmer time, the winter is back, today was a really cold day with snowstorm.. i changed my running outside training against the gym-center and this descision was really right :D last weekend, as i wrote, i've been in stockholm. Friday evening we were at the musical "rock of ages" i liked it. It was a musical with the rock-songs of the 80's. I didn't knwin that many songs but you don't have to know all the songs for the musical is good, it is just funnier maybe if you know them. 
On saturday we did just a short tour in the citiy (i did not even buy something). Then in the evening we did something i can recommand to everyone! we were at the restaurant "svartklubben". The ones who work there are blind or see nearly nothing. The place is black you do not see anything inside the resaturant it is just black! You eat there and you do not know what's the food is, the persons who works there also sing and you sing with them, and because no one can see you, you can just do what ever you want it is really funny! I could write so much more things about this really nice experience but the best thing is, try it yourself!! ( in switzerland zürich it has also one, the name is "blinde kuh" ) :D 
Then on sunday we met my host mothers sister and drove back home to västervik. 
Tomorrow (wedensday) at 24 o'clock, i'll meet up for driving to sälen (takes 7 hours). I'll go there with a group of teenagers,also my hostsister HIlda. There we will snowboarding or skiing until sunday. We will live 8 persons in a little flat and all together we will be 46 teenagers! i'm really looking forward to it! But they say it will be very cold until -18°C (brrrrr) i hope that will not come true.. and of course it is nice not to go to school this two days ;D

Our interent is not even really in function, but sometimes it works... 



Publicerad 2013-03-14 17:29:26 i Allmänt

I am sorry now it is really a long time ago i've written something, but here I am ;) Last week summer feelings came up but the snow this week destroied them fast..haha But actually when I went home today it was also warm and the sun was shining :)  Hmm last week we got 15 kg fish and my host dad prepeared them for cooking ( i just watched and it was not that nice haha). But they were good to eat ;) Otherwise I am writing a presentation about switzerland, for my classmates, my swedisch class and for another school here. And I can't belive it but I've got an A (best) in an mathematics exam! I guess this happened just once more since the 7th grade ;) haha And here you also can have barbercue on cross country skis, we were with the class outdoors with the cross country skis and had barbercue! I like it! :D
Today later on we will have a meeting for the skitravelling with the teenagergroup next week :) Tomorrow my hostfamily and me go to stockholm and go at the musical "rock of age". Then we will stay in Stockholm until Sunday. :D
There are less than 100 days left until I'll go home again, it sounds so unbelivable it sounds like nothing, it goes really fast. And of course this has both a good and a sad side... see ya xoxo

having barbercue outside in wintertime with school ;)

having barbercuce outside in wintertime with the school ;)

in every case we had sun and it was warm :D here jennifer, Johanna and Ellinor
My classmates from the the swedish class :D Michael and Jawad .

 and Nasrin and me :D

Sorry. ;)

Publicerad 2013-03-12 21:05:41 i

If i am not answering and not writing here, i am sorry. The internet didn't work for more than one week, now it is just working sometimes.. I'll tell you what went on here when the internet is working fine again :) you aill hopefully hear soon from me :)

Mar. 02, 2013

Publicerad 2013-03-02 19:41:54 i

Today i've trained in the morning then i've eaten with johanna and went to the city and we find some stuff in the new "gina tricot" shop :) now i made a "züpfe" for tomorrow and will watch "melodifestivalen" :) have a good evening <3

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